As my readers know..I am from the South - Louisiana to be exact. I was born in Ville Platte, which is tiny town smack in the middle of cajun country. My mother, Georgiana, was also born there. My father was stationed in the area with the US Army and my parents met at a local dance and later married. I've been told that it was love at first sight...and since it makes a sweet story, I'm sticking with it.
I remember glimpses of my childhood before the age of 3...watching my mother hang clothes on the clothesline and picking blackberries behind our house. My most vivid memory is waking in the night, frightened and crying for my mum - and being told by our babysitter that she was in the hospital having my sister - her third child. At that moment, my life changed forever - Georgiana died in childbirth, along with Donna Rae, my little sister. My father was never the same after that, and we were raised by my mother's parents in Ville Platte. Even with such loss, my childhood was very happy on my grandparents small farm with lots of cousins and aunts and uncles ready to take on the task of comforting a 5 year boy and a 3 year old girl who had just lost their mother and basically, their father. Alot more details between that chapter and today, but I guess I just want to take this moment to send sweet dreams to my Mum and Donna and Daddy in Heaven. I have the gift of imagining that she is the perfect Mother and for that I am grateful. I have the gift of seeing my Mother's light in the face of my own daughter. I have the gift of God's blessing that He has given me strong women in my life who made sure I had a lifeline and a safety net. Mum, I miss you terribly. All these years later, there is still a missing piece of my heart. Of what could have been. But then....with tears in my eyes, I think of my bonus Moms...Aunt Rowena,Aunt Olivia, Aunt Ramona, Sande, Marilyn and Nita, Joanne. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. And to Kelsey,Tanner, Travis and Jamelyn -I love you all infinity and beyond. xxoomum
Happy belated Mother's Day to you girl=)!!!
Oh, my gosh... Sheri. That was sweet. Happy late Mother's Day to you!
Mermaid Debbie
Wow, Shari, I'm not even sure what to say -- your story really touched me. I admire folks like you, your strength and ability to focus on the positive.
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