Can you imagine a world with Picasso? A world without the Sistine Chapel? We live in a world with unlimited "eye-candy"....even Steve Jobs (RIP) and Bill Gates couldn't have shouted their wares to the world without marketing...thing about it. Art is necessary. A wonderful necessity.
Mrs. Schwartz was my 4th grade teacher at Sequoia Elementary. Loved, loved her. She would read "Charlotte's Web" to us after lunch....with my head resting on my desk, she had the gift to transform those words into real life for remains my favorite childrens' book to this day. I didn't want to go on to 5th grade. I wanted to stay in Mrs. Schwartz class forever. Mrs. Shwartz would let me decorate the class bulletin boards to illustrate the theme of the month......She would assign other students to help me..but they would skip out when the bell rang after school, oh no...not me. I would stay until Mrs. Schwartz had finished grading papers and straightening the room...only reluctantly walking home with white glue happily stuck to my hands, dreaming about color combinations for the next day. 4th grade was my Nirvana. Little did I know at the time that Mrs. Schwartz allowed my creative butterfly wings to unfold and see the world in a whole new light. Colored lights...lots and lots of colors.
I'm no rocket scientist, but academics came pretty easily to me in primary education. In my mind...good grades were just a vessel to have the teachers like me and allow me to doodle aimlessly after assignments were completed. I don't remember ever having to "cram" for tests or stress out during report card time. It just was what it was. No, I wasn't a straight A student...but pretty close. I kind of regret not working harder at reading, writing and 'rithmetic, knowing what I know now...but hey...regrets are useless, right?
What I DO know is that left brain people AND right brain people are essential to keep the world's "ship" righted. A world with only left brain people, in my mind anyway,...would be boring, kind of a grey color..not really social...dull. A world with only right brain people would be, well - I'm biased, kind of colorful and happy people..but would we have the Iphone? Oh dear, one cannot imagine.
There are people who think artists aren't "smart", and oh, how wrong they are...and there are artists who think scientists are dull. I'm still on the fence about that one. Insert smiley face here. But Mrs. Schwartz? She made me feel like I was the smartest kid on the planet. Love her and thank her for that.
Everyone needs a Mrs. Schwartz.
About Me

- Southern Charm
- Sandpoint, Idaho, United States
- I've been married to Chet for 26 years...we have two children together and Chet came into our marriage with two children! (all together, we have 2 girls and 2 boys!) 31, 29, 23 and 21 years old. Yikes! I can't believe I am old enough to have kids those ages! I was born in Louisiana where my Grandparents were cotton sharecroppers and I'm very proud of my cajun heritage. The photo above is my mother, Georgiana Smith Linde at 8 years old. She passed away when I was very young, but she carries on in my heart forever... My hubby supports my endless rabbit trails of creativity and he gets extra "points" for that! Thank you for visiting my swirly glittered- up world filled with paint, glass & ribbon...share the love...leave a comment! Email me! I'd love to hear from you!
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would have not a single bit of talent left and could say, 'I used everything You gave me' - Erma Bombeck
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Jenn Crossley is an amazing artist...and it was a treat to spend time with her at Art and Soul, simply MUST check out her blog. Prepare for lots of eye candy...her works of art are just of art!
Jenn Crossley is an amazing artist...and it was a treat to spend time with her at Art and Soul, simply MUST check out her blog. Prepare for lots of eye candy...her works of art are just of art!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Bye bye sweet bling...enjoy your new home..
So loved creating this necklace with my favorite colors for a customer from the Buggy Barn Quilt Shop in Reardon, Washington....vintage paper, sugar cube glass, endearing lace bits and chandelier glass came together and I just had to photograph it before L'necklace went on its journey...Thank you Jennifer!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I Heart YOU! "The fruit of the spirit is LOVE, JOY, Peace....Galations 5:22
Thank you to everyone who braved the heat and the "breeze" at the Buggy Barn Quilt Show" in Reardon this past weekend! Whew! Mother Nature was not going to let summer go out quietly! I LOVE summer...but whoa...was it HOT! The Buggy Barn is so awesome, so THANK YOU to the wonderful people who worked so hard all weekend to make it happen....lots of beautiful quilts swaying in the "breeze"....and "amber waves of grain" far as the eye could see. Great setting...
AND, a big shout out to the Patrick and his wife Kathy...who were my saving grace neighbors at the show...without them, my canvas tent would have been in the next county....God Bless You!
The next show for Southern Charm will be at the Custer's Arts and Crafts show in November 2011 at the Spokane County Fairgrounds....until then I will be visiting family and friends, watching our son play college soccer at Concordia University, an art retreat to rejuvenate my creative juices, celebrating our daughter's 23 birthday and of course working on new and fun designs for Southern Charm. Oh and throw in a little kayaking, paddling, huckleberry pickin'....whew! Alot to pack in before ski season begins.....
I HEART all of you....
AND, a big shout out to the Patrick and his wife Kathy...who were my saving grace neighbors at the show...without them, my canvas tent would have been in the next county....God Bless You!
The next show for Southern Charm will be at the Custer's Arts and Crafts show in November 2011 at the Spokane County Fairgrounds....until then I will be visiting family and friends, watching our son play college soccer at Concordia University, an art retreat to rejuvenate my creative juices, celebrating our daughter's 23 birthday and of course working on new and fun designs for Southern Charm. Oh and throw in a little kayaking, paddling, huckleberry pickin'....whew! Alot to pack in before ski season begins.....
I HEART all of you....
Monday, August 15, 2011
A Very Busy Artgirl....
Art on the Green and Sandpoint Arts and Crafts Show are in the books for another summer...
A big thank you to everyone who stopped by my humble Southern Charm booth to look around. I heart you!'s not over yet!! Southern Charm will be in Reardon, Washington for the Buggy Barn Quilt Show on August 27th & 28th....both Saturday and Sunday! I've been going to the Buggy Barn for years as a customer....totally loving the vibe in the store in the country, and mind you - I don't even quilt! I'm a wannabe quilter... So...even if you aren't a quilter like me....spend the day in the country with Buggy Barn Quilts and admire the beautiful quilts hanging on the fences like a magazine cover...enjoy wonderful food and a great lineup of art won't leave empty-handed, trust me!!
See you soon!! hugs...
A big thank you to everyone who stopped by my humble Southern Charm booth to look around. I heart you!'s not over yet!! Southern Charm will be in Reardon, Washington for the Buggy Barn Quilt Show on August 27th & 28th....both Saturday and Sunday! I've been going to the Buggy Barn for years as a customer....totally loving the vibe in the store in the country, and mind you - I don't even quilt! I'm a wannabe quilter... So...even if you aren't a quilter like me....spend the day in the country with Buggy Barn Quilts and admire the beautiful quilts hanging on the fences like a magazine cover...enjoy wonderful food and a great lineup of art won't leave empty-handed, trust me!!
See you soon!! hugs...
Monday, April 4, 2011
Thrilled to be working with Staci Baily Photography! Check out her blog!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Jalapeno's Facebook!
there it is folks..yep, Facebook all the way...I finally got Jalapeno's Restaurant up and running...just love this facebook apologies again for not posting on my blog!
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